Legal Notices

Terms of Use

The use of this website constitutes acceptance of the conditions mentioned below. SnowPact reserves the right to take legal action in case of a violation of these terms of use, especially in cases of non-compliance and unauthorized use of SnowPact's name and emblems or violations of rights related to information, graphics, texts, videos, audio documents, photos, and images, and, more generally, the entire content of the website.


In accordance with the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions on the protection of copyright, it is prohibited to reproduce, sell, distribute, modify, publish, in whole or in part, in any form, the data, presentation, or organization of the website as well as copyrighted works featured on it, for purposes other than private or educational use, without specific prior written authorization. Requests for authorization should be addressed to the webmaster.


Online service providers that create links to this website are required to inform the webmaster. This website may contain links to other sites that are not under constant control. These links are considered useful and can enhance the information available on the site. SnowPact assumes no responsibility for these sites, particularly with regard to the accuracy or reliability of the information, data, and opinions they contain.

Protection of Personal Data

You may be required to provide personal information, especially when using the contact form. The information you provide is for the exclusive use of SnowPact and will not be disclosed to third parties. Any user who has provided directly or indirectly nominative information can request access to this information from the service administrator and request its correction if necessary, in accordance with French Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, files, and freedoms. To exercise this right, please contact the webmaster. We inform you that the confidentiality of correspondence transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed.


SnowPact takes the necessary steps to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website. However, it cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, or results that may be obtained from the use of the information provided. SnowPact is only bound by an obligation of means regarding the information made available on the site. Similarly, it is in no way responsible for infection by viruses or any other computer problems that have destructive effects.


The company responsible for the site

9 chaussée Jules César
95520 Osny
Limited Liability Company with a capital of €1,000
Siret 828 169 540 00014 – RCS Pontoise


Google France
9 rue de Londres,
75009 Paris,
01 42 68 53 00
Limited Company with a capital of €464,884,017.00