Menu & Menu New Delhi

Poulet tikka masala

BƓuf massala

Menu sandwich cheese naan au poulet

Butter chicken

Agneau tikka masala

Menu sandwich cheese naan au bƓuf hachĂ©

Menu sandwich cheese naan aux légumes

Menu naan burger

Samoussa aux légumes

Seekh kebab

Pakora d'aubergines et pommes de terre

Poulet tikka

Oignons bhaja

Assortiment d’entrĂ©es

Sandwich cheese naan poulet

Sandwich cheese naan bƓuf hachĂ©

Sandwich cheese naan légumes

Naan burger

Poulet curry

Poulet palak

Plat poulet shai korma

Shahi korma

Poulet madras

Poulet vindaloo

Palak panner


BƓuf curry

Gosht karahi

BƓuf shahi korma

Saag gosht

BƓuf madras

BƓuf vindaloo

Agneau shai korma

Agneau vindaloo

Agneau palak

Agneau madras

Crevettes masala

Crevettes curry

Crevettes shahi korma

Crevettes Madras

Biryani de crevettes

Biryani de poulet

Biryani de bƓuf

Biryani de légumes

Biryani agneau

Naan nature

Cheese naan

Stuffed naan

Keema naan

Naan aux Ă©pinards et fromage



Fechwary naan

coca 1.5L

oasis 1.5L

ice tea 1.5L

coca 33cl

ice tea 33cl

oais 33cl

coca cherry 33cl

coca zéro 33cl

orangina 33cl

seven up 33cl

fanta 33cl


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